Monday, May 9, 2011

Why I choose this topic

        I choose this topic because I really enjoy listening to their music. It was my first time listening and discovering korean pop music (k-pop). I'm a big fan of Big Bang. I know a lot about the members and music. Music is still music to me no matter what language or how it sounds. I found it really cool is that the rappers of Big Bang, G-Dragon and T.O.P can rap in korean so fast. It's amazing that they are so talented. People shouldn't judge you on what kind of music you listen too. As long as you love it, it shouldn't matter at all. Besides k-pop i also listen to japanese pop (j-pop) and chinese pop (c-pop). Music revolves around the world with many different artists and music style, and people are still fan of it. Big Bang is loved by young adults/teenagers and even adults themselves. As long as you love it or like it, it's music to you.

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